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【BODW CityProg 設計營商周城區活動】「舫港」香港仔設計漫遊 (Seayou Aberdeen)

Updated: Mar 7

香港仔作為城市中的漁港,擁有源遠流長的水上人文化。CityProg與香港水上人文化協會及Bottom Up Communication聯手舉辦「舫港」,傳媒預覽己於今日順利舉行。活動帶領公眾和遊客從水上人的生活角度遊歷香港仔,以設計推動可持續創意文化旅遊。為了營造別具特色的「Citywalk城市漫步」體驗,香港仔海濱沿岸十多個碼頭、海鮮艇和特色店舖等將豎立精心設計的「舫港」傳統貼布旗幟,讓公眾和遊客沉浸於香港仔的地方特色之中。 . 活動期間更設有「海上散步」導賞團,在香港仔避風塘海上觀光期間,由漁民親身講述地方故事,重現過去和現在的香港仔;推出「香港仔特色手信」,與香港仔海濱攤販及小店聯乘推出咸魚潛艇包、櫻花蝦雞蛋仔等;「漁民工具創意工作坊」帶領參加者以漁民常用的物料製作具延伸可能的創意產品,從而了解物料和水上人生活的關係及歷史;以及「漁歌新唱」,邀請本地年青音樂人為水上人傳統漁歌重新編曲,於船上作現場表演並在線上分享。活動費用全免,報名詳情記得留意CityProg官網及社交媒體更新!



【CityProg 2023】Seayou Aberdeen – Explore the District Through the Lens of Design in December . Aberdeen, as a fishing port in the city, has a substantial history of fishing culture. ‘Seayou Aberdeen’ media tour was successfully held today. Presented by CityProg, Hong Kong Fishing Culture Association and Bottom Up Communication, the programme brings the public and tourists on a tour in Aberdeen to experience the daily life of fishermen, promoting sustainable and creative cultural tourism through design. To create a unique ‘Citywalk’ experience, more than 10 piers, floating seafood markets and gift shops along the Aberdeen Promenade will be decorated with ‘Seayou Aberdeen’ hand-crafted flags, allowing the public and tourists to immerse themselves in Aberdeen’s local characteristics. . Events include a ‘Seawalk’ guided tour at the Aberdeen Typhoon Shelter with fishermen telling the past and present stories about the local community; the launch of ‘Aberdeen souvenirs’ including salted fish submarine buns, sakura shrimp egg waffle and more in collaboration with the shops at Aberdeen Promenade; a ‘fishing tool creative workshop’ that leads the participants to make creative products with materials commonly-used by fishermen, so as to learn about the relationship between the materials and fishing life and culture; as well as the ‘fishing song recomposing’, which invites a young musician to perform a re-composed traditional fishing song on a boat and online. Admission for all these events is free. Registration details will be updated soon on CityProg’s website and social media.

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