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半島酒店 (Peninsula Hotel)

半島酒店 是香港第一座擁有電能的大廈,亦是日佔時期的日軍司令部,因此日軍在香港投降的地方便是在半島酒店,亦曾用作多部荷里活電影的取景場地,所以在歷史地位崇高。

Peninsula hotel is the first building to have electricity. It was used as the Japanese General's room during World war II, and the WRII is also officially ending in Peninsula Hotel. Various Hollywood movies were filmed in this hotel, thus, it is significant status in Hong Kong History.

半島酒店 (Peninsula Hotel)

SKU: 半島酒店 (Peninsula Hotel)
  • 每張照片 HK$200

    HK$200 per photo


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